Welcome to Boger!
I am excited to be teaching kindergarten at C.E. Boger Elementary school. I am a graduate of Catawba College. I have two adult sons who are Boger Alumni! Kindergarten is an incredible adventure. Together we will have a wonderful school year!
- Ms. LaFevers
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Daily Schedule
8:15-8:45 News/Morning Meeting/Calendar 8:45-9:15 Word Work9:15-10:15 Reading Block10:05-10:35 RECESSLunch 10:40-11:05 11:10 Shared Reading 11:25-11:55 Beacon Block 11:55-12:55 Math Workshop LED 12:55-1:10 Snack/bathroom 1:10-1:55 ENCORE 2:00-2:45 Science / Writing