Katrina Wallace

Phone: 704 2606760 ext. 153

Email: katrina.wallace@cabarrus.k12.nc.us

Degrees and Certifications:

BS Elementary Education from Berea CollegeMA Elementary Education from Georgetown College

Katrina Hunter Wallace

My name is Katrina Wallace.  I am excited to have your child in class this year.  I have taught 1st grade at Odell for 30 years.  I am all fired up about our learning together this year!

  • Anowl Welcome
                                                                                    Outstanding Wonderful Learners 
  • Katrina Wallace's

    Outstanding, Wonderful, Learners


    Welcome to my class webpage.  I have been teaching first grade at Odell for 29 years.  I am excited about having your child in class this year.  Hopefully you will find this helpful in staying in touch with our class adventures.  We will be very busy this year learning readers workshop, math workshop, writing workshop, and integrating social studies and science. 

  • Please send in note(s) stating why your child is absent from school

    Keep an eye on your child's lunch account to be sure there are no unexpected charges.

    Make sure library books are returned to school.

    Have your child's name is on his/her jacket/coat

    Make sure any changes in transportation is written and given to the teacher.


Class Rules

  • Be Respectful

    Be Responsible

    Be Safe

Weekly Homework Assignments

  • Monday - Spelling study words- Reading Day 1 - Math Monday
    Tuesday - Spelling study words -Reading Day 2 - Math Tuesday
    Wednesday - Spelling study words - Reading Day 3 - Math Wednesday
    Thursday - Spelling study words - Reading Day 4 - Math Thursday
    Friday - Spelling test - Have a safe and wonderful weekend.


     Encore -10:50-11:35                               Recess - 2:20-2:50                          Lunch - !!50-12:20 table 4
    Day1A-Makerspace -1B-Music                      Playground
    Day 2-Chinese                                            Courtyard
    Day 3-Media                                                Courtyard
    Day 4-P.E.                                                   Swings
    Day 5-Art                                                    Playground                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Last Modified on August 14, 2020