
    In 2003, Phyllis Likely and Claire Eiselen met with Jim and Judy O’Connor to
    discuss their desire for a retirement group for the Brighton Central Schools. Their goals at that point were:
    • Membership would be open to everyone who had worked for or retired from the Brighton Central Schools.
    • The group would communicate with all retirees regarding mutual interests and the Brighton Central School District.
    • The group would identify opportunities for service to the BCSD which provided the opportunity for our fulfilling careers
    Judy O’Connor provided contacts with the Pittsford Schools Retirees’ Association who shared their experiences, goals, and constitution.
    That summer, a small group of interested Brighton retirees, Claire Eiselen, Debbie Larrabee, Phyllis Likely, Carol Michaels, Mary Reed, and Paula Reitz, met to consider the possibility of formalizing the plan. They laid out goals and decided upon an official name for the organization, the Brighton Central Schools Retirees’ Association (BCSRA). Brighton’s central office administration offered enthusiastic support.

    Interim Chairperson Paula Reitz met with Patty Lane at the BCSD benefits office to create a mailing list. She subsequently organized the first retirees’ luncheon in September 2003. Forty-one retirees attended. Lists of volunteers and their interests were solicited. Throughout the following year, Paula organized luncheons and handled mailings, e-mail communication, record keeping, and banking. She also met with NYSUT representatives to establish a formal affiliation. With the help of Roger Miller, the first retirees’ directory was printed. Paula met with Patty Lane and Gary Valenti, BCSD business director, to address a variety of benefits concerns. Membership swelled to over 100. It was time for a constitution and election of officers.

    Phyllis Likely, Mary Reed and Claire Eiselen drafted a constitution outlining the purposes, structure, and operation of the Brighton Central Schools Retirees’ Association. The constitution was approved by the retirees present at the September 9, 2004, luncheon, and the first slate of officers was elected: Paula Reitz, president; Bill Jabs, vice president; Carol Michaels, secretary; and Gail Daugherty, treasurer. Also appointed were Sue Mitchell, communications chair; Mary Zonnevylle, health & benefits chair; Claire Eiselen, service chair; Sandra Luke, social chair; Debbie Larrabee, BTA liaison; and Sandy Murray, NYSUT liaison.
    The Brighton Central Schools Retirees’ Association was born!