Course Overview
Mr. Clements'
Comparative Religions
Welcome to my Comparative Religions Web Page! With the rich religious diversity that exists within our schools and community, Brighton provides an exceptional environment to explore the topic of world religions.
Comparative Religions is a one semester Social Studies elective offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Brighton High School is one of the few public schools to offer such a course in our area. In addition, this course is now offered as a dual credit course. Students can elect at the beginning of the course to receive both three Nazareth College credits and a regular 1/2 BHS credit upon successful completion of this course. Brighton is the only public school district in the area to offer such an opportunity!
In class, students will have the chance to directly interact with knowledgeable and respected members of our interfaith community. Outside of class, students will be given opportunities to visit various sites of worship in our community. Throughout this course, students will be introduced to a variety of the world's faiths. Here they will learn about the major beliefs, practices, and social structures of these faiths. Special emphasis will be given to examining the impact of contemporary issues on world religions and vice versa.
The opportunity to teach such a class is rewarding and exciting. I believe that some of the most important lessons we can offer our students include preparing them to: think globally, respect the diversity that exists within our interdependent world, and to act with tolerance towards all. Certainly, Comparative Religions is a course that seeks to fulfill these goals.
For more information please review the Power Point file below and/or contact me at
Mr. Clements
ATTENTION! For class homework assignments, project and major test/quiz due dates please see my homework page in the main menu.