Program Evaluation
Program evaluation plays a key role in improving the performance of our schools. As a learning community, Brighton Central School District utilizes a program evaluation process as a means of accessing and organizing information about student achievement and the role current curriculum and instructional practices play in supporting that achievement. The evaluation itself is more than just an audit. As a high performing learning community, it is essential that data are used throughout the program evaluation process to inform the ongoing efforts to improve student learning.
Program Evaluation Cycle2018-2019
6-12 World Language
K-12 Library
K-12 PEK-12 ELA
K-12 ESSPause for Covid
K-12 Math
K-12 Science
K-12 SpEdK-12 Academic Intervention
K-12 RtI
K-12 Art
K-12 Social Studies
K-12 Music
6-12 World Language
K-12 Mental Health
K-12 Health
6-12 Tech Ed
K-12 Library
K-12 PE
6-12 Business & FACS
Program Evaluation PlanStep I: Getting Started. Designing the Plan.
- Generate guiding question(s):
- How well are students achieving in _______?
- How does our organization support student achievement?
- Identify overarching themes for study.
- Identify specific indicators for themes (What does this look like in the classroom)
Step II: Determine Data Needs, Analyze, Determine Results
- What type of data will be needed to answer the questions?
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- What are the sources of those data?
- Observation
- Survey: Pre-Post
- Comparative (Similar schools, regional, historical/longitudinal for BCSD)
- Work samples
- Other
- Analysis: Determine how the data will be collected and analyzed.
- Analyze data
- Develop results
Step III: Make Recommendations
- What do the data indicate are our strengths? Needs?
- Based on the identified needs, what recommendations can you make for:
- Curriculum development/modification
- Professional development
- Course development
- Other
Step IV: Develop an Action Plan
- Developed and completed in subsequent years
- Attends to areas of recommendation
- Carried out by various stakeholder groups
- Generate guiding question(s):
Final Reports
- Math
- (2021): Math Program Eval 2021
- (2016): Independent Report: Math Final Report
- (2014): Math Final Report
- (2010): Final Math Report
- (2020): Final ELA Report
- (2015): Final ELA Report
- (2010): Final ELA Report
- Extended Studies Services
- (2020): Final ESS Report
- (2015): Final ESS Report
- (2010): Final ESS Report
- Social Studies
- (2018): 2017-2018 Final Report
- (2011): Final SS Report
- Foreign Languages
- (2013): Final FL Report
- (2019): Final Report
- Health
- (2018): Final Health Report
- (2011): Final Health Report
- Physical Education
- (2019): Final Report
- Music
- (2011):Final Music Report
- Science
- (2021): Final Report
- (2012): Final 2011 Science Report
- Library Media Services
- (2012): Final Report
- (2019): Final Report
- Career/Technology Education (CTE):
- (2018): 2017-2018 Final Report