Academic Intervention & Support Services
Brighton Central School District provides academic support services to its students in a variety of ways. Services are provided based upon individual student need. Academic Intervention Services (AIS) will be provided within the Response to Intervention (RtI) Framework. Response to Intervention is a process where children at risk of not meeting state standards are offered intense, individualized academic intervention. Student progress is monitored to see if response to this intervention yields adequate academic growth. Services are provided using a three tier system, each one defined by the level of support and the intensity of that support.
Tier I- Interventions provided in the classroom by the classroom teacher
Tier II -Services delivered by teacher, tutor, academic support instructor, OT, and/or PT. Support may include Academic Intervention Services (AIS) (see description below).
Tier III- Further service needed as a result of additional analysis of results of progress monitoring by PST/RtI team.
Academic Intervention ServicesAcademic Intervention Services (AIS) are intended to assist students who are at risk of not achieving the State Learning Standards in English/language arts, mathematics, social studies and/or science, or who are at risk of not gaining the knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed designated performance levels on state assessments. Academic Intervention Services shall be made available to English Language Learners and students with disabilities. In the case of AIS being provided to students with disabilities, services will be provided on the same basis as those provided to non-disabled students, as long as those services are consistent with the student’s individualized education program.
Academic services will be provided to students in English/Language Arts and mathematics in grades K-12 and social studies and science in grades 6-12. Support services will be provided to address barriers to increase academic performance related to attendance, behavior, family difficulties, health issues, lack of study skills, and transition or mobility issues.
District/Building ServicesThe following groups/services are available to support students and assist them in meeting with success.
Council Rock
French Road
Response to Intervention Team (RtI)
Pre-referral, brainstorm intervention
Pupil Services Team (PST)
Review student performance to determine need for services.
Response to Intervention team (RTI)
Pre-referral & brainstorm for intervention strategies, referrals to AIS. Referrals for outside services, support services, & psycho-educational testing.
Twelve Corners MS
Brighton HS
Pupil Services Team (PST)
Pupil Services Team (PST)
RtI Team(s)
RtI Teams
Review student’s performance to determine need for AIS services.
Student IdentificationK
Scores in the intervention range on two or more benchmarks as listed below:
F&P: n/a
DIBELS 12 or less
FSF Intensive: 0-4
ELP: 27
Uppercase Letter Rec: <11/26
Lowercase Letter Rec: <8/26
Letter Sound Rec: n/a
Sight Words: n/a
CRPS Phonological Awareness Assessment (Sub-test 1&2):
F&P: <a
DIBELS 84 or less
FSF Intensive: 0-19
PSF Intensive: 0-9
NWF CLS Intensive: 0-7
ELP: 91
Uppercase Letter Rec: 22/26
Lowercase Letter Rec: 18/26
Letter Sound Rec: 16/26
Sight Words: 15/32
CRPS Phonological Awareness Assessment (Sub-test 1-5):
Common Writing Assessment: Narrative (February)
Rubric Scoring: 0-1
F&P: A
DIBELS 88 or less
PSF Intensive: 0-24
NWF CLS Intensive: 0-14
ELP: 122
Uppercase Letter Rec: 24/26
Lowercase Letter Rec: 21/26
Letter Sound Rec: 18/26
Sight Words: <25/32
CRPS Phonological Awareness Assessment (Sub-test 1-7):
Scores in the intervention range on two or more benchmarks as listed below:
F&P: A
DIBELS 96 or less
PSF Intensive: <25
NWF CLS Intensive: <18
NWF WWR Intensive: n/a
ELP: 122
Uppercase Letter Rec: 24/26
Lowercase Letter Rec: 21/26
Letter Sound Rec: 18/26
Sight Words: <25/32
CRPS Phonological Awareness Assessment (Sub-test 1-7):
F&P: E
DIBELS 99 or less
NWF CLS Intensive <32
NWF WWR Intensive <3
DORF Intensive <16
DORF Accuracy Core: <68%
DSA: Letter Name Score 1-10
Sight words: <35/50
Common Writing Assessment: Informational (February)
Rubric Scoring: 0-1
F&P: H
DIBELS 110 or less
NWF CLS Intensive: <47
NWF WWR Intensive: <6
DORF Intensive: <32
DORF Accuracy Core: <82%
Retell: n/a
DSA Letter Name Score: <17
Sight words: <70/100
Scores in the intervention range on two or more benchmarks as listed below:
F&P: H
DIBELS 108 or less
NWF CLS Intensive: <35
NWF WWR Intensive: <6
DORF Core Intensive: <37
DORF Accuracy: <81%
Retell Core: <8
Retell Quality: n/a
DSA Letter Name Score: <17
Sight words: F&P 100 high frequency word list: <80/100
F&P: J
DIBELS 144 or less
DORF Intensive: <55
DORF Accuracy: <91%
Retell Core: <13
Retell Quality: n/a
Letter Name Stage Score: <25
Sight words: F&P 100 high frequency word list: <98/100
Common Writing Assessment:
Persuasive (February)
Rubric Scoring: 1
F&P: K
DIBELS 179 or less
DORF Intensive: <65
DORF Accuracy: <93%
Retell Core: <18
Retell Quality: n/a
Within Word Stage Score: <6
Initial Measure
Secondary ELA Measure
Spring (2nd grade) MAP score 30th%ile or lower
DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency
NYS ELA and Math Scores
(received a score of 1 or 2 with a state determined cut score)
NWEA MAP 30%ile or lower
Writing Benchmark Score of 14/28 or lower
NYS ELA and Math Scores
(received a score of 1 or 2 with a state determined cut score)
NWEA MAP 30%ile or lower
Writing Benchmark Score of 14/28 or lower
NYS ELA and Math Scores
(received a score of 1 or 2 with a state determined cut score)
NWEA MAP 50%ile or lower
Writing Benchmark Score of 14/28 or lower
NYS ELA and Math Scores
(received a score of 1 or 2 with a state determined cut score)
NWEA MAP 50%ile or lower
Writing Benchmark Score of 14/28 or lower
NYS ELA and Math Scores
(received a score of 1 or 2 with a state determined cut score)
NWEA MAP 50%ile or lower
Writing Benchmark Score of 14/28 or lower
NYS ELA and Math Scores
(received a score of 1 or 2 with a state determined cut score)
NWEA MAP 50%ile or lower
Writing Benchmark Score of 14/28 or lower
Student Progress MonitoringProgress Monitoring Tools
Students who receive Academic Intervention Services will regularly have their progress monitored to align instructional support with students’ academic strengths and needs.
Kindergarten – 5th grade
6th grade – 11th grade
NWEA MAP Assessment for ELA and Math
Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment
District Writing Benchmark Assessment
DIBELS for Oral Reading Fluency
Phonics Screening Tool
Early Literacy Profile (Kindergarten -2nd grade)
Developmental Spelling Assessment (DSA)
Classroom Assessments
NWEA MAP Assessment for ELA and Math
NWEA Skills Navigator Assessment for ELA and Math (6th – 8th grade)
Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment (6th grade)
District Writing Benchmark Assessment
Classroom Assessments
Student Academic Intervention Exit Criteria
Exit Criteria
All schools regularly review student progress to monitor instruction and at times exit students from Academic Services support. Teachers, administrators and support staff will discuss the progress of students who meet grade level benchmarks based on multiple measures of assessment as indicated in the student identification chart.
Kindergarten – 5th grade
6th grade – 11th grade
Score of 3 on NYS ELA or Math Test (4th-5th)
NWEA MAP Assessment for ELA and Math (50%ile or higher)
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment (meets grade level expectation)
District Writing Benchmark Assessment (meets grade level expectation)
DIBELS for Oral Reading Fluency (meets grade level expectation)
Phonics Screening Tool
Early Literacy Profile (Kindergarten -2nd grade)
Developmental Spelling Assessment (DSA)
Classroom Assessments (meets grade level expectation)
Score of 3 on NYS ELA or Math Test (6th-9th)
NWEA MAP Assessment for ELA and Math (50%ile or higher)
NWEA Skills Navigator Assessment for ELA and Math (6th – 8th grade)
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment (6thmeets grade level expectation)
District Writing Benchmark Assessment (meets grade level expectation)
Classroom Assessments (meets grade level expectation)
Report Card (meets grade level expectation)
Indirect AIS Support
Students in grades 3-8 who scored a level 2 with a scaled score above the cut score on NYS Math or ELA or who meet MAP criteria listed above will receive indirect Academic Services Intervention Support. Classroom teachers will monitor student progress through district based measures of progress including but not limited to: NWEA MAP for reading and math, DIBELS, Fountas and Pinnell Reading Benchmark, Writing Benchmark, course work and class assessments.
Additionally, students may be recommended for Academic Intervention Services based on the following criteria: MAP scores, Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment, District Writing Benchmark, DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency, report card grades or other classroom assessments as determined by teams at each school.
Range of ServicesEach building across the district offers a range of services, depending upon the age and need of the individual student. Click on the links below for a complete description of the services provided at each building or to contact the building representative for more information.
- Council Rock Primary School, Maurin Jeffries
- French Road Elementary, Deanna Spagnola
- Twelve Corners Middle School, Mike Maloy
- Brighton High School, Sarah Jacob
Related Files
District Intervention Plan
2017_comprehensive_plan_for_student_academic_support.doc 306.5 KB (Last Modified on January 22, 2019)