My Homework

  • "You mean I have to do work at HOME?"

         As students enter the fourth grade they may find they have more homework assignments than they have had in past years. Homework is an integral part of a student's learning. It is a valuable tool that helps reinforces concepts and ideas that are taught in class.

         In order to remember what our homework is each night we use our planners every day. These help students stay organized and prepared for class.  It is important for parents and guardians to be an active participant in the homework process, which is why I ask them to initial their child's planner each night.  This way we are all aware of the work being completed.  By working together we can all help be part of the success.

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         Homework assignments are pretty consistent.  Everything is due the following day, unless otherwise noted in the planner.  Things change as they need to, but here's what you can expect...

    • math work (Monday through Thursday night)
    • math fact practice (It is expected your child works toward mastery of these facts.  THey should spend about 5-10 minutes each night working on mastering these facts for all operations... +, -, x, and /)
    • word work (spelling) nightly.  (Word Study sHW starts around early October.  They are also based on cycle days 1-6 rather than M-F so there may be assignments over the weekend.  These are expected to be turned in the following Monday.)
    • reading a "Just Right" book  (20+, 25+, or 30+ minutes per night (we add on as the year progresses).