Extended Studies Services at CRPS

  • Council Rock Primary School The Extended Studies teacher at Council Rock facilitates learning experiences that extend from the core curriculum. Extended Studies services are intended to be flexible to meet the needs of the children. There are several delivery options that allow for this flexibility, including the following:

    Whole class experiences are offered for first and second graders. The Extended Studies teacher plans and delivers enrichment lessons in each classroom.

    Kindergarten experiences include some whole class extension lessons and informal small group experiences to learn more about individual students' strengths and interests.

    Cluster experiences are offered in the first and second grades. Depending on student need and/or interest, children may meet in small groups with the Extended Studies teacher during the designated classroom Extended Studies time. These experiences provide enrichment within the content areas.

    Consultation services are provided by the Extended Studies teacher to kindergarten, first and second grade classroom teachers throughout the year.  For more information on Extended Studies services as well as the identification of possibly gifted children at Council Rock, please see the files below.