    Renaissance Alternative High School is a contractual, and individualized, Alternative Learning Experience as established and governed by the Washington Administrative Codes WAC 392-121-182. The phrase “School of Choice” is often used. For us that means students choose to come here and work toward graduation to guarantee continued enrollment. Performance is based on a core philosophy of individual improvement through Attendance, Attitude, and Academics (the three A’s).
    All required curriculum for earning a Washington State High School Diploma is offered at Renaissance High School with options available for the foreign language requirement necessary to attend a 4-year university. Earning credit is based on a point system; one credit is equal to 1000 points and is awarded in .25 credit increments (250 points). Students earn points through demonstrating mastery of the learning goals by completing a variety of activities for each class. All assignments and activities must be 100% complete with no less than 80% accuracy for points to be awarded. Partial credit is not given for partial work; however, work is not penalized for being late. Homework is often a necessary component of each class and we offer a homework lab period for students who need help with their assignments or a quiet place to focus on their work.  
    The Renaissance school year is divided into eight terms of approximately one month in length. At the end of each term, students meet with their advisor to gauge progress (the three A’s), review their schedule, and make adjustments if necessary. Failure to attend classes or make academic progress can result in a loss of regularly scheduled classes and/or assignment to an Advisors Contract. Solid academic progress is approximately 125 points per class each of the 8 terms.  Students build their class schedule based on meeting graduation requirements and the time their class meets (each class is scheduled to meet twice a week for one hour); allowing them the flexibility to meet other obligations outside of school.