View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy: An Arts Integration School

What is "arts integration?"

  • In an Arts Integration Program, students master core content areas (reading, writing, math, science, and social studies) while concurrently learning arts standards (music, visual arts, drama, and dance). For example, students learn about Earth’s rotation by participating in a drawing lesson about shading, addressing both science and visual arts standards at the same time.  


  • Decades of research on arts education and arts integration find many positive effects, such as:

    • Increased student achievement
    • Improved test scores
    • Improved student attendance
    • Increased positive perception about school
    • Improved cognitive abilities that are assessed on state tests
    • Academic concepts understood more deeply
    • Information is processed and stored by the brain more effectively and quickly.


Specialized Instruction in the Arts

  • Our program includes the following for every student: 

    • Art integration across all content areas
    • Specialized instruction in the arts
    • Enrichment opportunities before and after school

Music (Weekly) 

  • Students learn songs, musical rhythms and notation, and create music with various instruments. Students showcase their skills throughout the year in various performances. 

Dance (10 week unit)

  • Students work with a dance instructor learning basic aspects of creative movement and dance technique. The students will demonstrate what they have learned in a seasonal 
    Dance Showcase. 

Visual Arts (10 week unit)

  • Students study master artists, art techniques and create their own artwork. Student artwork will be displayed throughout the school year and at our annual Arts and Literacy Night. 

Drama (10 week unit)

  • Kindergarten, first, and second grade students perfome dramatized operetta performances with the music teacher. Third, fourth, and fifth grade students will work with a drama instructor to prepare and perform a full scale grade level musical at the Bremerton High School Performing Arts Center including costumes, sets, and props. Students focus on learning chorerography, blocking, audtion skills, and theater vocabulary. 

Enrichment Opportunities

  • For those students wanting a deeper arts experience,View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy offers many before- and after-school opportunities including more traditional dance classes,a vocal choir, and a visualarts club that exposes kids to additional opportunities to create. Enrichments activities are always expanding!