• i-Ready

    This is a program that Biloxi Public Schools has contracted because of its continual progression with students in reading comprehension and fluency as well as in math. The most convenient part is that it is a web based site that can be used anywhere. Feel free to practice at home. Students are automatically assignmed lessons that allow the teacher to see percent accuracy, time that it should take students, and time that it actually took students. 
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  • Lexia Core 5

    Lexia is a website that encourages language skills such as phonemic awareness, sequencing stories, rhyming, reading comprehension and alphabetic sequence. Your student can log in with the same Accelerated Reader password listed in their yellow folder. 

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  • Accelerated Reader

    Students are required to take Accelerated Reading quizes at school online for his or her science and language arts class. It is a grade in each class and expected to be completed.



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