2020-2021 Course Syllabus for Band
Teacher: Mr. Stevens
E-Mail: jesse.stevens@biloxischools.net
Objectives: During the first semester the band directors and staff will focus on teaching fundamentals for instrumentalists, percussionists and colorguard members to master. These include, but will not be limited to, tone production, balance & blend, correct intonation, rhythmic accuracy, basic dance and flag techniques, basic marching fundamentals and performance of marching band literature.
Tests and Grades
Grading: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 65-69 F = below 65 I = Incomplete
Tests: Class participation, rehearsal attendance and performance attendance are all part of the grade for Varsity Band. Failure to attend may result in additional make-up hours being assigned or having the grade lowered.
Each student will be required to pass-off their performance music and/or guard work. Battery percussion, front ensemble percussion and colorguard members will perform their pass-off exercises for instructional staff members. Wind players will perform their pass-off exercises in the Smartmuisc program.
Retesting: Retesting is not available for missed performances. If a student misses due to an excused absence that performance may be made up through make-up hours.
Pass-off exercises may be attempted as many times as needed to achieve a desired result. If you are using Smartmusic do not submit your exercise until you are ready.
Homework/Assignments/Projects: Each student is expected to practice their instrument and/or colorguard work to prepare for the upcoming performances by the Biloxi Band. It is imperative that individual student practice time take place. A minimum of twenty minutes per day is highly recommended.
Course Requirements: Students must attend class, all rehearsals and all performances unless cleared with the attendance office with an excused absence. Students that work must communicate with their employer that they are member of the BHS Band and that work is not an excused absence.
Students must come prepared to class, all rehearsals and all performances. Instrument/equipment, music, uniform pieces and other required items are needed and failure to bring them may result in a loss of performance opportunities creating an unexcused absence.