

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Anita Yarbrough

 Welcome to 7th Grade!!! Are you excited? I know I am!!!!!

I wanted to share a little about myself and I cannot wait to know you more as well. :)  My teaching career began 22 yrs ago!  I graduated from Georgia College and State University in 1998.  I furthered my education in 2009 by getting my Masters degree at William Carey University. I absolutely love teaching science because it helps children to think deeply and critically about the world around them.  I am a proud published author of a middle school  book called" Jane's Jars." This book is both non-fiction and fiction. It reviews the Scientific Method but it is coupled with a beautiful story. I am married to a wonderful  man who is originally from this area. Upon his retirement in 2005 from the Air Force,  we moved to the coast.  We  have two beautiful girls. I am also a proud new grandmother. In my spare time, I spend as much quality time with those I love. We enjoy spending time in nature, walking our two older dogs,traveling and cooking. I also love to read! Did I mention I love all things science? The world has so many amazing things to discover and think about.  It is through science that we are able to get the best perspectives. 

I really  look forward to an amazing year with your child! It is such an honor and blessing to be living my passion as your child's teacher this year!