

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education

Mrs. Druey



My name is Reene Druey and I teach 2nd grade a Popp's Ferry Elementary School (the best school EVER)! This will be my 6th year as Popp's Ferry. I graduated from William Carey University with my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education in 2019. I also graduated from Western Governs Univeristy in August of 2022 with a Masters degree in mathematics. This will be my fourth year in 2nd grade and let me say, I am so excited! A new school year means a new year of fun!

A little bit about myself. I married my husband in 2017. The year 2019 was very exciting as I became a first time mother to a beautiful baby girl. Some things that I enjoy are reading an occasional novel, spending time outdoors on the beach and by the pool, Dunkin Donuts coffee, and getting a pizza with my family. 

I look forward to a great year and growing the minds of our students. I am Popp's Ferry Proud!