• Hello everyone! My name is Tayler Hardy and this will be my fourth year here as a Science Teacher at Biloxi High School! I teach both Environmental Science and Physical Science, as well as coaching baseball! Despite all the current adversity we are facing I am still incredibly excited to have the opportunity to teach these students and I am very much so looking forward to having a great year here at Biloxi High! 

    Currently for those that are curious my schedule is listed below along with the Google Classroom Codes associated with those classes!

    1st Period: Environmental Science(Class Code: a5afnhl)

    2nd Period: Physical Science   (Class Code: nbeqgdg )

    3rd Period: Physical Science    (Class Code: 7fdkkdkj)

    4th Period: Physial Science     (Class Code: jaxs3hn)

    5th Period: Physical Science    (Class Code: 3errmb7)

    6th Period: Planning Period

    7th Period: Athletic Period








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