SREB Readiness Courses | Transitioning to college and careers
Math Ready: Ready for college-level mathSREB Readiness CoursesThe Math Ready course focuses on the key readiness standards from the Common Core as well as the eight Standards of Mathematical Practices needed for students to be ready to undertake postsecondary academic or career preparation in non-STEM fields or majors. The course addresses standards throughout high school and even earlier, including Algebra I, statistics and geometry, and the Algebra II standards agreed to as essential college- and career-readiness standards for most students. The full range of content standards found in Algebra II is not addressed because some are not seen as essential college- and career-readiness standards for non-STEM math courses. The math course consists of seven mandatory modules: algebraic expressions, equations, measurement and proportional reasoning, linear functions, linear systems of equations, quadratic functions, exponential functions, and summarizing and interpreting statistical data (optional). While this course covers the basics in math practices and reviews the procedural steps needed to be successful in math, it is designed to be taught in a new, engaging way based heavily on conceptual teaching and learning. Each unit includes a “hook” at the beginning to engage students and pre-assess prior math experiences and understandings. The hook is followed by several days of tasks that delve deeply into math found in the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the lead headers of the Common Core—focus, coherence, and rigor. Each unit also includes a formative assessment lesson at just over the two-thirds mark, allowing the teacher to adapt instruction and learning during the remaining one-third of the unit.