Phone: 228-435-1421


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi; Secondary certification(7th-12th)Social Studies and English; Special Education certification(k-12)

Kelly Pelous

Hi!  My name is Kelly Pelous!  I am looking forward to a very productive and rewarding school year!  This is my 6th year teaching in the Biloxi School District; however, this is my 21st year in education!  When I am not at work. I enjoy reading, shopping, and spending time with family and friends, but my favorite pastime is traveling!  Over the last three years, I have been fortunate enough to travel to numerous countries.  I have two children (Cody and Alexa) whom I adore and love spending time with as well.  I graduated from USM in 1994 with a BS in Psychology, but soon after, decided I wanted to become a teacher.  After completing my certification in English and Social Studies (7th-12th), I began my teaching career in 1998.  After teaching 7th grade Social Studies for 15 years, I decided to take a two-year break and obtain my certification in Special Education.  I look forward to working with each one of my students and collaborating with parents as I believe communication is an effective tool in the learning process.  Please feel free to email or call me at any time with questions or concerns!  Let's make this an awesome school year!