Unit 4 Assignments: Sensation and Perception
Monday, October 5Practice-Unit 4 (from class 10/1)Note that this chapter corresponds with the following chapters in the Myers 9e study guide: part of ch. 3 on attention and ch. 6.Read the chapter and take notes for yourself as you read. Note that this chapter is Modules 16-21. Unless otherwise noted, complete the FRQ that does not have the answer points given. Reading quizzes shall be given randomly.Join me on Quizlet to use flashcards on your phone! http://quizlet.com/join/SJExJB3h9 or www.quizlet.com/TracyCampbellView and edit the Mnemonics List for this Unit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tXtN6wBWRiw7ssEsAUjulTYpSD6hyVFfkp7z5oNf1ec/edit?usp=sharing
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Ch. 6 PowerPoint- Myers 10e
This Ppt goes with the chapter, but it is from a newer edition of Myers' text.
Education Portal Videos: Sensation & Perception
1) Intro to S&P, 2) Vision, 3) Depth perception, 4) Hearing, 5) Taste, touch & smell