• Course Objectives

    This course is designed to give the student the opportunity to discover inner

    fulfillment and personal enrichment from music and gain the knowledge necessary to

    become enlightened consumers and/or creators of music. The student will be exposed to

    the elements of music and learn how these elements are derived from sound and put together to

    make musical expression. Also, the student will discover how the language of music

    changes to meet the expressive needs of various cultures, as well as gaining

    understanding of how past language styles are absorbed into those of the present and

    future. This is to be accomplished through text readings, class discussion, listening

    experiences, demonstrations, and creative activities.



    Throughout the year students will learn:

    1. Singing – Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

    2. Performing on Instruments – Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

    3. Improvising – Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments.

    4. Reading and Notating – Reading and notating music.

    5. Analyzing – Listening to, analyzing and describing music.

    6. Evaluating – Evaluating music and music performances.

    7. Making Connections – Understanding the relationships between music, the other arts and disciplines outside the arts.

    8. Relating to History and Culture – Understanding music in relation to history and culture.