Special Services Banner
  •  Director of Special Services

    April Rice

    Assistant Director of Special Services

    Dr. Jennifer Griffin

    Administrative Assistants

    Jonease Alexander - Administrative Assistant Gifted Students

    Stephanie Burton - IDEA Administrative Assistant 

    Crystal James - IDEA Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper



    Support Staff

    Megan Kidd, Psychometrist

    Traci McDill, Psychometrist

    Becky Roberts, Psychologist

    Aimee Wilson, Psychologist

    Carrie Singer, Occupational Therapist

    Amy Rollins, Adapted PE


    Biloxi Public School District Plans Project Review
    Friday, December 8, 2022

    The Biloxi Public School District, Department of Special Services, is holding a public review of
    its Fiscal Year 2023 Project application for IDEA Part B and Part C. The review will be held
    from 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Friday, December 8, 2022, at the Special Services office, 1424
    Father Ryan Avenue, Biloxi, MS Room 313.
    For More Details: 228-435-4600.

  • P.O. Box 168

    Biloxi, MS  39533

    228-435-4600  Phone

    228-435-4601  Fax


    Special Education Records - 

    Please send the request on your District or School letterhead to:  sped@biloxischools.net


    Public Notices