• 2023-2024 6th Grade Social Studies Syllabus      


    Pheon Chatman


    Charlotte Hise


    Yvette Nelson


    Kelly Gilbert


    Stephanie Scott


    Renee Schoerner



    Tests and Grades


    Grading:  A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79   D=65-69 F=below 65 I=incomplete

    Grading follows the policies of Biloxi Public Schools.  A mid-term progress report and a report card following the end of each term are issued.


    Retesting:  Students who fail or do poorly on a TEST grade will be given multiple reteach opportunities. At the end of the term, students will have the opportunity to RETEST on his or her lowest test grade. 


    Homework/Assignments/Projects: The teacher reserves the right to assign homework as needed. Projects and homework should be completed by the assigned due date. 


    Objectives: This is a general overview of what standards the teacher will teach and what the student is expected to master over the course of the school year.


    6.1 Describe the world using the tools of geography including maps, globes, and technological representations.

    6.2 Identify geographic patterns in the environment that result from the processes of Earth’s physical systems.

    6. 3 Analyze how regions are used to describe the organization of the Earth’s surface.

    6.4 Analyze the concept, usage, and value of natural resources.

    6.5 Evaluate how places gain meaning.

    6.6 Describe the characteristics and causes of human population changes and migration.

    6.7 Describe the patterns of human settlements and the factors that contribute to their formation.

    6.8 Examine how humans and the physical environment are impacted by the extraction of resources and by natural hazards.

    6.9 Analyze how sovereign nation-states interact with one another

    6.10 Examine the ways governments are organized.

    6.11 Describe the difference between limited and unlimited government.

    6.12 Analyze the rights and responsibilities of American citizenship. 

    6.13 Examine the challenges of civic engagement in the contemporary world.

    6.14 Describe how civil rights and citizenship roles vary based on the culture and government of various nation-states.

    6.15 Explain the geographic patterns of economic interactions.

    6.16 Formulate an understanding of the cultural regions of the world.


    Click for link to new social studies standards and objectives per grade level.


    Tests: Three department tests are given per term covering all objectives.  


    CTA= 5% Tests= 60% Activity= 35%


    Course Requirements: Students are required to complete all homework assignments, projects, and assigned class chapter books.  The student must master all objectives with 65% mastery to pass the term.

    Book Study: The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind- Term 1 and Term 2