April is the Month of the Military Child
Purple Up Spirit Shirt
April is the Month of the Military Child and our new Peer2Peer organization along with BJHS will be celebrating our military students with a breakfast for our military students and their families on Monday, April 15.
Purple represents a blend of colors from the military branches of service. The dandelion is the official flower of the military child. Dandelions are able to take root and flourish wherever the wind blows them. Our military students are very much the same and are often uprooted and replanted all over the world.Wearing purple is a visible way for us to show support and thank our military students for their strength and sacrifices.P2P has designed a spirit shirt that is purple and displays a dandelion. We will be selling them March 13 - March 22. They should arrive in time for us to proudly wear them on April 15th as a united support system.If you would like to purchase a shirt, you can get an order form from the front office, Gym, Library or Room 125. Please return your completed form and money to Room 125. All orders must be in by Friday March 22.