• Welcome to Our Classroom!

    We strive to create an active learning environment with independent learners. Our program embraces each student's needs through individualized goal setting, self-paced instruction, lessons presented in a workshop format, and student-generated passion projects. We are organized into three clusters, grades 1-2, grades 3-4 and  grades 5-6. The curriculum is integrated and project based. 


    Teaching Team


    Amy Ahlers - Kindergarten


    Anne Willhoit - First and Second

    Anne has always taught at the early elementary age and worked with kids in multi-age settings. She has a background in special education, has enjoyed working with older students in Drama, and found some surprising fun teaching adults in the education program at a university. She has a Master's in Montessori Education which aligns with her general philosophy of teaching that includes student choice, community building, individualization, kindling curiosity, and learning without boundaries. She thinks too much about baking, enjoys reading fiction, and loves going out and being in Bainbridge island’s beautiful nature.

    Margretta Murnane - First and Second

    Margretta Began teaching in Seattle in 1998 at Latona Elementary, which became John Stanford International School. She was lucky enough to be part of the planning and formation committee of the school and taught there for 20+ years before moving to Bainbridge Island. She looped in k/1 at JSIS and now she gets to teach 1/2 multiage. She loves teaching the younger ages and seeing the incredible growth they make!

    Jamie Berg - Third and Fourth


    Serena Zyskowski - Third and Fourth  

    Serena Began teaching first grade in Spokane, WA, before moving around the country to teach in a variety of grade levels and environments in Texas and California. She feels extremely fortunate to presently teach and learn in the Bainbridge Island School District and be part of the innovative, enthusiastic, and supportive Odyssey community.

    Barry Hoonan - Fifth and Sixth   

    Barry is the winner of the 2004 Hoey Award as Outstanding Educator in English Language, he has taught at all levels of elementary for twenty-eight years. He earned his Master's in Education from Lesley College in Cambridge Massachusetts and his Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Advertising and his teaching certificate from University of Washington.

    Todd Erler - Fifth and Sixth

    This is Todd's 24th year of teaching and his 14th year of teaching at Odyssey. He has said this before, and he will say it again: this is the best job ever. When he is not at school he enjoys playing music, acting at BPA and with The Edge improv group, foraging wild foods, and spending time in a tent in the middle of nowhere. 


    Support Teaching Team 

    Siri Miller - Art

    Susan Tolley - Music

    Michele Shields - PE and STEM

    Cammy McDowell - Special Education

    Jocelyn Jablonski - Reading Club

    Amy Nordstrom - K-4 Math Intervention and Highly Capable