Welcome to Commodore!

  • Commodore Options Schools is an umbrella school within Bainbridge Island School District that houses three programs: MOSAIC Home Education Partnership, Eagle Harbor High School, and the Odyssey Mutliage Program.


Mosaic Logo
  • MOSAIC Home Education Partnership

    MOSAIC K-8 Home Education Partnership is a K-8 public program of choice within the Bainbridge Island School District housed within Commodore Options School. Mosaic offers students a personalized, non-traditional learning environment where students and parents have a voice in determining what and how they learn. The majority of student instruction is at home with the parents as the primary educators. Full-time enrolled students receive support from a certified teacher during monthly meetings and students attend on-campus enrichment classes two days a week.




Eagle Harbor Logo
  • Eagle Harbor High School

    Eagle Harbor High School is a 9-12 public program of choice within the Bainbridge Island School District housed within Commodore Options School. We run on a block bell schedule that matches Bainbridge High School so that we may share classes and school activities. As a small school, EHHS creates a learning community where every student is an essential part of the school, allowing students and staff an opportunity to know each other over an extended period of time. We encourage parent involvement, and use individualized programs, seminar-style classes and independent study advisories to support student growth. 


Odyssey Logo
  • Odyssey Multiage Program

    Odyssey Multiage Program is a K-8 education choice program within the Bainbridge Island School District housed within Commodore Options School. Odyssey emphasizes a multi-age learning environment and high parent involvement. Our program was founded on the belief that all students can become motivated and self directed, and that parent involvement inside and outside the classroom is key to academic success.