Registration Information

  • Registration at Alvord Community Adult School is held approximately every 6 weeks for our English as a Second Language, High School Diploma Completion, and High School Equivalency programs. Students are placed in classes based on assessment data obtained at registration along with state, federal and district criteria.

    Alvord Community Adult School offers all programs to our community thanks in large part to state and federal funding programs. In order to continue to offer these programs to our community and secure this funding, students are required to show progress in their assigned courses. This progress is determined through a pre and post testing process. Pre testing is a requirement at registration and students will not be allowed to begin classes until pre testing is completed. Ongoing post testing is required throughout the school year to document student progress. By registering at Alvord Community Adult School, students agree to participate in the pre and post testing process. Failing to do will result in dismissal from the program. Students who are dismissed from the program will have to re-register during the following enrollment period.