• Community Resources:
    http://alvordschools.org/Domain/2421- AUSD Website search engine that provides low/no cost resources to fit your needs.


    Network of Care: Information in the health and social services fields. 


    211: A free and confidential service that provided with the local resources they need.


    Connect Riverside : A database of social service resources, providers, programs, and services.


    The National Alliance on Mental Health (NMAI)- A mental health organization which educates and advocates for individuals and families impacted by mental health.


    Helpful Parenting Websites:
    http://www.pbs.org/parents/- PBS parents is a fantastic resource for child devlopment and early leanring informartion. It also provides educational games and other fun family activity ideas.

    http://kidshealth.org/parent/ - Kids Health is dedicated to children's health and development. You'll find information on a variety of subjects from school and family life to emotions and behavior.

    http://www.boystown.org/parenting - Boys Town is home to parenting and child behavior experts who have developed a wealth of original content over the years that is available for free in their For Parentssection. 

    http://www.empoweringparents.com/ - Empowering Parents website has expert articles and parent blogs that you can look at for parenting guidance and support.

    http://www.empoweringparents.com/How-to-Use-Behavior-Charts-Effectively.php - Many times a counselor will recommend a parent using a behavior chart with a student at home. This website not only provides links to free printable behavior charts, but it also explains how to implement this helpful tool.