• Use playground equipment properly (swings, slides, monkey bars, rings, crossbars).
    • Follow games rules (tetherball, handball, basketball, soccer, etc.)
    • Tackling, tag, and wrestling or rough play are not allowed.
    • Red balls are for bouncing and throwing only.
    • Bouncing balls against the buildings is prohibited except in designated areas for handball.
    • Get a drink of water or use the restroom before the bell signals the end of recess.
    • Line up silently as soon as the bell rings. Running, throwing or bouncing of balls, or getting drinks after the bell rings is not permitted.
    • Walk on all concrete and asphalt areas. No running allowed in these areas.
    • Show respect for people and property through language and behavior.
    • Resolve your own minor conflicts whenever possible before requesting help from the school staff. Steps to use: stop and think; talk honestly; listen and discuss; or ignore the situation.
    • Walk quietly around classroom areas.
    • Knocking on doors to offer help to teachers is disruptive and not allowed unless you have made previous arrangements with the teacher.
    • Gum is not permitted at school.