- Foothill Elementary
- Attendance Procedures
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Attendance Procedures
Compulsory Attendance Law
(Education Code 48200, 48204, 46015, 48205)
Parents are responsible under the law to compel the attendance at school of their students who are between the ages of 6 and 18 unless otherwise exempt. Serious illness, medical or dental services or funerals for immediate family members are excused upon presentation of explanation or other requested evidence. Failure to compel a student's attendance is an infraction of State law.
Duties and Responsibility of Parents
Parents are responsible for explaining the reason for a students absence and providing evidence for verification of reasons for the student's absence from school. Reasons for all absences from school must be verified by school personnel, a medical doctor, a school nurse or a member of the Child Welfare and Attendance department staff. When students who have been absent return to school, they shall present satisfactory documentation/explanation verifying the reason for the absence (ie. written note or conversation in person or by telephone to their school office). Doctor and dental appointments are considered excused absences with proper documentation. Absences without proper documentation/explanation will be recorded as unexcused.
Parents should make sure their children attend school regularly and make every attempt to schedule medical and other appointment after school or during school holidays. The District also asks that vacation or other absences be avoided during the time school is in session. The school calendar is designed to minimize problems for families planning vacations around traditional holiday periods and thereby minimize student absences.
Students are expected to be at school on time. Under State law, frequent tardies (greater than thirty minutes) without a valid excuse, may be considered truancy.
Please refer to the AUSD Parent Student Handbook for specific definitions of truancy and excused absences.