Algebra 1A Syllabus

  • Course Description 

    Instructional time will emphasize five areas: (1) Performing operations with polynomials and radicals, and extending the Laws of Exponents to include rational exponents; (2) Extending understanding of functions to linear, quadratic, and exponential functions and using them to model and analyze real-world relationships; (3) Solving quadratic equations in one variable and systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables; (4) Building functions, identifying their key features, and representing them in various ways and (5) Representing and interpreting categorical and numerical data with one and two variables. 

    Classroom Policies 

    Tardiness- You are expected to be in class before the bell rings. There will be no leaving the room if you arrive to class late. According to the school-wide tardy policy, tardiness will result in handing in your phone and excessive tardiness will result in disciplinary action.  

    Attendance- Attendance is crucial to learning and keeping up in school. If you miss one day of school, then you will have two days to turn in any make up work. If there is an extended absence, then we will discuss when and how to complete any missing work. According to the Code of Conduct, up to 30% of a grade can be deducted due to unexcused absence. 

    Behavior- Classroom rules will be followed each day. Rules will be posted around the room. Misbehavior is a choice and can result in disciplinary action. 

    Homework- Homework reminders will be sent through Remind. 

    Restroom- In order to minimize distractions, students will not be able to use the restroom in the first and last 10 minutes of class. There will also not be any restroom usage during quizzes or tests. 

    Electronics- There will be no phone or electronic use of any kind as per Florida State Law. Phone use in class will result in confiscation and will need to be picked up at the end of the day by a parent or guardian. 

    Food & Drinks- There will be no food in the classroom at any time, but drinks are fine as long as they are not a distraction in class. 


    Grading Policies 

    Grades will be using the point system as follows: 

    Tests 50pts 

    Quizzes 25pts 

    Notebook Checks 15pts 

    In-Class Assignments 10pts 

    Homework 10pts 

    Grading scale: 

    A 90-100 

    B 80-89 

    C 70-79 

    D 60-69 

                F 0-59 

    Accurate grades will be posted only in Focus. Grades will be updated at least every two weeks. If there is a discrepancy about grades, proof must be given, so it is essential that all assignments are saved in the student’s binder. Charlotte County Public Schools’ “35-35-30” Grade Distribution Matrix will be used when calculating and posting final semester grades. No exams will be administered prior to the start of the exam week, unless a parent or guardian has contacted administration for approval. 


    Required Materials 

    • 2 Inch 3-Ring Binder 

    • TI 30X Calculator (Homework) 

    • Pencils 

    • Dry Erase Markers 

    • Loose Leaf Lined Paper 


    Contact Information 

    Focus and Remind will be the most used points of contact. Phone calls can also be scheduled in advance.