Parents and Guardians...
Below is a WISH LIST for my class! A little goes a LONG way! :)
Here is my Amazon Gift Registry titled "Teaching Middle School" for these items. Obviously you DO NOT need to purchase on Amazon but I was making it easy! Also, I have put several quantities for a few of the items, feel free to just purchase ONE.
- Paper Towels
- Scented AirWick Plug-In Refills
- Bulletin Board Borders/Decor
- Candy/Mints/Water-bottle stickers or any other fun, non-food items for prizes
- Examples: key chains, fun pencil erasers, bracelets, fun pens/pencils, any kind of fidget, stress balls/toys (basically dollar store items)
- Packing Tape
- Kleenex
- Art Supplies - colored pencils, markers, scissors
- Band-Aids
- Colored Printer Paper
- Fun Printer Paper with various border design
If you happen to have around the house already and you don't need, I would love a gently used:
- Good upright vacuum. (Can be rechargeable or electric.)
- Full length wall mirror
This list will be kept up-to-date all year.