Phone: 941-575-5475 ext 205


Degrees and Certifications:

K-12 ESE ESOL Gifted

Mr. Jason Learnard

Grade - Fourth Grade

Office Hours- 7am-7pm 

remind to get a hold of me 

  • Welcome to the 2021-2022 School year

    Please if you need to get a hold of me message me on remind. 7am to 7pm


    8:10-8:40- Arrival

    8:40-9:20- Writing

    9:20-10:35- ELA/centers

    10:35-10:40- Snack

    10:45-11:30- Specials 

    11:35-12:05- ELA/centers?star/Win

    12:05-12:35 SPA

    12:35-1:05- Lunch

    1:10-1:40 ELA/Star/Win

    1:40-3:00- Math/centers

    Centers- S.S. and Science worked into centers

    On this site you will see lesson plans, homework and upcoming events.


    Under class document will be the weeks lessons

    Under assingments will be the actual questions students will be answering.

     Homework is read 30 minutes and write a summary (who, what, when, where and how)  of what was read that night and a math for today sheet. Math is given Monday and is due Friday.