
    • ABA: Applied Behavioral Analysis
    • ADA: American with Disabilities Act
    • ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
    • APE: Adaptive Physical Education
    • AE: Age Equivalent
    • AIS: Academic Intervention Services
    • ASL: American Sign Language
    • AT: Assistive Technology
    • AYP: Adequate Yearly Progress
    • BIP/FBP: Behavioral Intervention Plan/Functional Behavior Plan
    • BOCES: Board of Cooperative Educational Services
    • BOE: Board of Education
    • CPSE: Committee of Preschool Special Education
    • CSE: Committee of Special Education
    • CTE: Career and Technical Education
    • DD: Developmental Disability
    • DOE: Department of Education
    • DOH: Department of Health
    • ED: Emotionally Disabled
    • EI: Early Intervention
    • FAPE: Free and Appropriate Public Education
    • FBA: Functional Behavioral Assessment
    • FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
    • IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    • IEP: Individualized Education Program
    • IH: Impartial Hearing
    • IDD: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
    • IQ: Intelligence Quotient
    • LD: Learning Disabled
    • LEA: Local Education Agency
    • LEP: Limited English Proficient
    • LRE: Least Restrictive Environment
    • NCLB: No Child Left Behind
    • NYSED: New York State Education Department
    • NYSAA: New York State Alternate Assessment
    • OCFS: Office of Children and Family Services
    • OCR: Office of Civil Rights
    • ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    • OHI: Other Health Impaired
    • OMH: Office of Mental Health
    • OSEP: Office of Special Education Programs
    • OT: Occupational Therapy
    • PDD: Pervasive Developmental Disorder
    • PLEP: Present Levels of Educational Performance
    • PT: Physical Therapy
    • RCT: Regents Competency Test
    • SED: State Education Department
    • SEIT: Special Education Itinerant Teacher Services
    • SETRC: Special Education Training Resource Centers
    • SI: Speech Impaired
    • SWD: Students with Disabilities
    • TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury
    • TDD: Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf
    • VESID: Office of Vocational & Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities
    • VI: Visually Impaired
    • VR: Vocational Rehabilitation