Families Urgent Response System (FURS) is a 24/7 hotline (chat, text, call) for foster youth and/or their care givers (and school personnel too!) who need support of any kind—day or night.
In Sonoma County, FURS offers a trained social worker to respond in person, if needed.
I have attached fliers that, if you are able, to post at your sites or on your web pages.
This is a new California statewide system. The goal is to provide support, reduce crises, and prevent placement failures.
I hope you all are well!
In good health,
Jeannette Engel MSN RN PHN
The County of Sonoma Department of Health Services
Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care
Phone – Desk 707-565-5516
Phone- Mobile 707-483-1305
Fax 707-565-4298
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