Hello All,


President Biden has declared Juneteenth, which falls on Saturday June 19, 2021, a federal holiday.  

Here is a copy of the bill. This law becomes effective immediately. 

See https://www.congress.gov/help/learn-about-the-legislative-process/how-our-laws-are-made: “A bill becomes law on the date of approval or passage over the President’s veto, unless it expressly provides a different effective date.” This bill did not have a different effective date and is therefore effective upon President Biden’s signing.


What this means is that under California Education Code section 37220, this Friday, tomorrow, June 18, 2021, is now a state holiday for K-12 schools. Specifically, “(a) Except as otherwise provided, the public schools shall close on the following holidays: . . .

(12) All days appointed by the President as a public fast, thanksgiving, or holiday unless it is a special or limited holiday. (c) When any of the holidays on which the schools would be closed falls on Saturday, the public schools shall close on the preceding Friday, and that Friday shall be declared a state holiday.” 

This means that all employees of the school district are not to come into work tomorrow. This obviously includes summer school employees, and we will need to get the word out to our families ASAP.

Once again, thanks for rolling with the punches of the 2021 school year...



Jeremy Decker
Windsor Unified School district