"Hello NCC Parents,
Next week we will be hosting our first Parent Support Session. On Monday, October 19, we will send out to you a link to view a short video - "Task Analysis: What is it and how will it help me at home?" This video will cover how to break down tasks into measurable parts and how that can help you in a myriad ways at home with your child including establishing rewards, creating schedules, increasing independence, and supporting their IEP goals. This video is asynchronous so you can watch it at your convenience anytime next week. Make sure to write down any questions or "ah-ha" moments that come to you and bring them to the following LIVE Question and Answer session on the same topic.
Our first LIVE Question and Answer session will be:
Thursday, October 22nd, 4:00 - 5:00pm
LIVE Question & Answer session on "Task Analysis: What is it and how will it help me at home?"
Asynchronous Video email release: Monday, October 19
The link to view the video and attend the following Zoom will be sent out next week so keep your eyes open and mark your calendars! I look forward to seeing you and chatting with you all next week. "
Please complete the short survey included in the email you received regarding the upcoming trainings