String Instrument Care and Maintenance

  • Please follow the following rules to keep your instrument in good condition:


    • ALWAYS LOOSEN THE BOW when done playing!!!!! Not loosening the bow will result in the bow hairs being stretched out and/or the bow snapping. Bows are expensive to re-hair and replace!
    • Do not leave your instrument in your vehicle! The heat and cold will cause the wood to expand and shrink, resulting in cracks which are very expensive to repair. The rosin may also melt in extreme heat, damaging the case.
    • Wipe rosin off the instrument routinely with a soft cloth (see Mrs. Christensen for one). Polish your instrument once in a while to protect the wood (this can be done during a lesson).
    • NEVER set an instrument down on the bridge (even when in the case!!!)
    • Do not hang a violin or viola on a music stand; this damages the wood and finish on the scroll.
    • Do not leave a cello or bass standing upright in a corner. Be extremely careful while walking around the endpin of a cello or bass – it is VERY easy to trip over, which has resulted in MANY bridges being broken. Bridges cost (easily) $70-$100 to replace.
    • Learn how to tune your instrument correctly so the strings do not break. When in doubt, STOP TURNING THE PEGS AND ASK MRS. CHRISTENSEN FOR HELP!!!!!! 
    • If you have your own instrument, you must purchase your own strings – Mrs. Christensen only stocks enough for the school instruments every year. I recommend the “Red Label” brand (can be purchased on Amazon). If your own instrument is in need of repair, I recommend taking it to Monaco’s Violin Shop in Amherst ( He is extremely trustworthy and reasonably priced!