Procedural Plan
- Discipline: Students who use, posses or sell tobacco, drugs or alcohol and the incident has been verified on the basis of reasonable cause, will be dealt with according to the disciplinary action outlined below. This PROCEDURAL PLAN will be adhered to for each student after his or her first instance of substance abuse and will be progressively followed throughout his/her athletic career.
First Offense:
- Parent Conference with appropriate pupil personnel staff.
- Rehabilitation or counseling program could be made mandatory upon staff recommendation. If student/parent refuses to accept the staff recommendations, the situation may advance automatically to the second Offense sanctions.
- Students participating in athletic and/or other extra-curricular activities will be subject to a mandatory 5-calendar activity suspension, this may or may not include a sporting event, concert, field trip, musical etc.
Second Offense:
- Parent conference with appropriate pupil personnel staff.
- Rehabilitation or counseling program will be made mandatory upon staff recommendation. If student/parent refuses to accept the staff recommendations, the situation may advance automatically to the THIRD OFFENSE sanctions.
- Students participating in athletic and/or other extra-curricular activities will be suspended from that activity for a five week period. This may or may not include a sporting event, concert, field trip, musical, etc.
Third Offense:
- Parent conference with appropriate pupil personnel staff.
- Evidence of a rehabilitation or counseling program will be necessary for reinstatement of extra-curricular privileges the following school year.
- Students participating in athletic and/or other extra-curricular activities will be terminated from participation for the remainder of the school year or a 10-week Period; which ever is a longer period of time.
Depending of the severity of the substance abuse incident, notification to the proper law enforcement authorities may result with possible criminal action being taken against the student. In addition, based on extenuating circumstances or severity of an individual incident, the administration maintains the flexibility to appropriate procedure when unusual situations warrant this type of action.