
Our Building Administration

Home - Mandalay Elementary School

Marie Pisicchio


(516) 765-4500


Our Mission

Mandalay Elementary School is dedicated to these goals:

The achievement of academic excellence, the development of social skills, and the building of character, responsibility and self-esteem through the cooperation of home, school and community.






Dear Parents:

Summertime seems to move faster than we would hope for, and before you know it I will be greeting all of the Mandalay children back to school on September 5th. The start of a school year marks new beginnings, and memories to be made. I am pleased to know each child's name that is returning to Mandalay, and eager to learn about our incoming kindergartners and new students to the district. One of the greatest joys of my job is gaining a small glimpse of the children each day while they are at school.

Rest assure, the staff at Mandalay is your partner in ensuring the success of your child. Our goal is to promote a child's self-confidence while attending Mandalay, balanced with their academic success. We will continue to prepare the children with a rich curriculum, and embed opportunities for them to think critically, exposing them to STEAM initiatives.

I look forward to a successful school year.

Warm Regards,

Marie Pisicchio

Contact Principal

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