• Vestavia Hills High School
    Career and Technical Education Department

    CTE Pathways and Electives

    Business Information Technology 

    • Business Software Applications I

    • Web Development

    • Computer Game and Simulation 

    • AP Computer Science Principles

    • Programming with Robots (Robotics Team)

    • PLTW Cybersecurity (elective)

    • Career Pathway Project

    Data Analytics Pathway

    • Business Software Applications

    • Data Analytics

    • Career Pathway Project in Business Management & Administration

    • CTE Lab in Business Management & Administration

    Business Management Pathway

    • Business Software Applications or Event Planning

    • Hospitality Management & Marketing

    • Entrepreneurship

    • Work Based Learning 

    • Career Pathway Project in Business Management & Administration

    Entertainment & Media Pathway

    • Media Productions Foundations

    • Broadcasting Production I 

    • Broadcasting Production II

    • Career Pathway Project

    Engineering Pathway PLTW

    • Introduction to Engineering Design PLTW

    • Civil Engineering & Architecture PLTW

    • Engineering Course TBD PLTW

    • AP Computer Science Principles

    • Engineering Design & Development PLTW

    Finance Pathway

    • Business Software Applications 

    • Personal Finance

    • Business Communications

    • Entrepreneurship

    • Senior Pathway Project

    • Work-Based Learning

    Sports Medicine Pathway

    • Foundations of Health Science

    • Sports Medicine Intermediate

    • Sports Medicine Advanced/Internship

    Future Medical Professionals Pathway

    • Foundations of Health Science

    • Therapeutic Services

    • Patient Care 

    • Health Science Internship

    Marketing Classes

    • Business Software Applications I

    • Sports and Entertainment Marketing

    • Digital Marketing

    • Entrepreneurship

    • Career Pathway Project

    • Work-Based Learning