• Art

    In Art class at Liberty Park Elementary, students will create original 2D and 3D art while learning about artists, art history, and the elements and principles of art.  Each unit follows the Alabama Visual Art Course of study and is curriculum based to enhance creativity, classroom learning, and problem-solving skills.  The program culminates with our VHELP Art Show, in which each student has the opportunity to showcase their work and visit with a local working artist.


    The Library Media Center of Liberty Park Elementary School has been developed and designed to help students and teachers experience numerous learning opportunities through exposure to a wide variety of print and non-print materials. Our library follows the American Association of School Librarians Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and incorporates Alabama’s College and Career Ready Standards into every library lesson taught. 21st Century Skills are integral in the success of our students, and it is our full intent to immerse students in quality lessons that stimulate Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration. The Media Center is always open for students, teachers, and parents. 

    Sing, say, dance and play; lots of learning along the way! The music curriculum at VHELP is based on the National Core Music Standards for elementary General Music. During class students explore different musical styles and have many opportunities for singing, playing instruments, movement and improvisation. Students learn how music relates to our daily lives. We discuss the subject matter of our lyrics, which introduces advanced vocabulary, history, patriotism, traditions, holidays, and more. Steady beat and the use of our beautiful singing voices are stressed, so each grade's yearly music program is truly something special! Annual guests for older grades include representatives of the Music Opportunity Program who demonstrate string instruments.  Fun and learning is non-stop in music!
    Physical Education
    The goal of the Physical Education Program of Vestavia Hills Elementary West is to assist each student to become a physically healthy and active person and gain knowledge about healthy lifestyle. The curriculum for K-3 Physical Education is organized into content standards and benchmarks that define the learning goals and objectives appropriate for each grade level. What the students should know and be able to do is defined in three strands: motor skills development, health-enhancing physical activity, and interactive behaviors. A sequential and progressive physical education program benefits the various needs, ability levels, and interests of all the students.