

*We are committed to promoting literacy at Evergreen. While students attend library class once each week, we encourage them to check out books whenever they need something new to read. The library has flexible hours during each day when students may come to the library for new books.

*Students are expected to exhibit Eagle Pride while in the library. They learn about respect when using the library and responsibility for the library materials they check out. Students are expected to return library books before checking out new books. Students in kindergarten through second grade check out one book at a time.

*Students in grades three and four check out two books at a time.

*Students who finish books before their next library class may come to the library during open library time to get new books. We make every effort to accomodate the reading needs of our students.

*If a student has an overdue book, no further books may be checked out until outstanding books are returned. Overdue books are those that have been out for over two weeks.

*Students will be asked to pay for books that are lost or damaged beyond repair. Students may not check out books until damaged or lost books are paid for or replaced.