
Regular school attendance is necessary for academic growth. Daily punctual attendance is required in accordance with State law and school board policies. Students will attend regularly scheduled classes unless officially excused (RCW 28A-27).

Excused vs Unexcused Absences


When your child is absent, please call the school (253-566-5650) and inform us as to the reason for the absence. You may send a note with the student or you may call the school the morning of the absence. If no valid note or call is received, your child will be given an unexcused tardy or absence.

If your child needs to be excused from school early, please send a written request to the school office with your child before 9:00 a.m. the day he/she is to be excused. The student will use this note as a pass to come to the office at the approved time. Students missing class work because of early dismissals must make up all work missed.

Excused Absences / Tardies

Absences and tardies can only be counted as excused for illness, health conditions, family emergencies, medical/dental appointments, or disciplinary actions involving suspension. Sleeping late, transportation difficulties, or family child care obligations will NOT be considered as reasons to excuse an absence or tardy.

Excessive Absences/Tardies
After five absences or tardies in a quarter, the administration may require a student and/or family conference, especially if a consistent attendance pattern develops. After ten days or more, a doctor"s note may be required to verify illness.

Unexcused Absences and Tardies:

1. All absences are considered unexcused until the reason for the absence or tardy is verified by parent phone call or note. If we have not been contacted by 9:00 a.m., our School Messenger will make a call. Response to the school needs to be made within 24 hours to excuse and absence. 2. An unexcused absence or tardy to school with no parent contact, leaving campus without permission and/or missing all or part of a class without proper authorization will be considered a truancy. Truancy will be considered for disciplinary action In-School Suspension or Out of School Suspension.
3. Unless we have a note from the parent or a physician requesting otherwise, every child in attendance will be expected to participate in all school activities.

State Legislation (BECCA) Requires Washington State Schools to do the following:

1. You will be informed by either phone or written correspondence after (1) unexcused absence for your child within any month during the current school year.
2. After (2) unexcused absences in any month, a parent conference will be required.
3. After a student has accumulated (5) unexcused absences in a month, or after (10) in a school year, the District is required to petition the courts to take jurisdiction of that student.
Always contact the school if your child will be absent or tardy. If calling before or after school hours, please leave a message specifying the student"s name, grade & reason for absence.