- Toppenish High School
- May Scholarship Deadlines
Scholarship Bulletin
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Toppenish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator (Coordinadora de Cumplimiento de Derechos Civiles), Shawn Myers, (509) 865-4455, myerss@toppenish.wednet.edu; Title IX Coordinator (Coordinador de Titulo IX), Brett Stauffer, (509) 865-8034, bstauffer@toppenish.wednet.edu
; and Section 504/ADA Coordinator (Coordinadora de Sección 504/ADA), Sandra Birley, (509) 865-8148, sbirley@toppenish.wednet.edu. 306 Bolin Drive, Toppenish WA 98948.
Yakama Nation Higher Education:
- $1,500
- Seniors
A Voice for Animals Essay Contest:
- $150-$650
- Students ages 14-19
Dependent of TSD Public School Employees:
- $500
- Seniors who are dependents of a TSD school employee
Beans for Brains Scholarship:
- $2,000
- For students with a 3.0 GPA who know how to knit, crochet, or weave
Filipino American Community of Yakima Valley Scholarship:
- $1,000
- Seniors of Filipino American descent
- Cover Letter
- Application Form
- $1,500
- 14 years & Older
- Up to $1,000
- Seniors
- $5,000
- American Indian/Alaska Native seniors
Community Saftey Network of Toppenish:
- Deadline: TBD
College is Power:
- Deadline: TBD
- $1,000
- 17 years & Older
American Indian College Fund Full Circle Scholarship:
- Deadline: TBD
- Must be an enrolled member (or descendent of one) of a federally or state-recognized tribe
AISES- Advancing Indigenous People in Stem:
- Deadline: TBD
- Must be an enrolled member (or descendent of one) of a federally or state-recognized tribe
Goodwall #ScholarshipNow Challenge:
- Deadline: TBD
- $2,500
- Seniors
Discover Student Loans No-Essay Scholarship:
- Deadline: TBD
- $5,000
- Seniors
BigFuture: Pledge Your #Collegiance Scholarship:
- Deadline: TBD
- up to $10,000
- Seniors
Association on American Indian Affairs:
- Deadline: TBD
- Be enrolled with your respective Tribe, either federally recognized or non-federally recognized Tribe, from the continental US or Alaska
- Minimum 2.5 GPA
Humanity Scholarship:
- Deadline: TBD
- up to $25,000
- 2.50 GPA or Higher
- OPEN Enrollment
- $2,500
- Employed by McDonald's (for at least 90 cumulative days), work an average 15hrs per week or more. You have a performance rating of “significant performance” or better, maintained throughout the course/program.