If it’s BLUE – read, review, SIGN and return!
If you receive information from El Verano School on BLUE PAPER – we ask that you please read the information as soon as possible and then return the signed sheet to school. We are making a concerted effort to send forms home requiring a parent signature on BLUE PAPER. This should make it a bit easier for you to locate and most importantly, sign and return immediately to El Verano School.
Bus Passes
Passes must be purchased in advance at the Transportation Department (935-6092). No passes will be sold on the bus. Free and reduced rates are available for low income and large families. Be sure to watch the Sonoma Index Tribune for a listing of all bus stops and routes, or contact Transportation at 935-6092 or check out the district web site at www.sonomaschools.org for bus and other important information.
Breakfast and Lunch
Students are able to purchase individual lunches and breakfast daily. The Meal prices will also be posted on the monthly menus. Additionally, application forms for free or reduced lunch prices may be picked up in the cafeteria or in the school office.
Parking, Drop off and Pick up Procedures
Our drop off and pick up procedure for autos and buses, as well as parking procedures will remain the same this year. This policy is in place to improve student safety and greater efficiency during arrivals and dismissals. The back lot is for buses and staff only. Students may not be dropped off in the rear lot. You may drop your child of in front of the school (flag pole) or park in front and walk him/her into the school. Family parking will be available in the side lot or in front of the office. We appreciate your support and cooperation in this matter. Thank you!
Welcome to El Verano Elementary School!
Welcome to all our new and returning families. What an exciting year we have planned for El Verano School! As many of you are aware, El Verano is a very special school. We pride ourselves on the individual attention, which is given to each student and family as we strive to provide a warm, caring atmosphere along with an academically challenging program. Read more...