School Site Council (SSC)
The school site council (SSC) is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students (at the high school level) that works with the principal or administrative designee, to develop, review, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and the Western Association for Schools and Colleges (WASC) Plan. School plans must also be developed with review, certification, and advice of applicable advisory committees such as ELAC or Boosters as per Education Code. An additional purpose is to maintain and continue to improve communication within the school itself and between school and the community-at-large.
The membership of SSC must be one-half school staff with a majority being classroom teachers; and one-half students and parents or community members. The membership of the SSC as per the SVHS by-laws consists of:
• 4 parents (one representative from Boosters, one from ELAC and two at large), +1 alternate
• 4 students (two slate members and two Leadership class students)
• 5 teachers, +1 alternate
• 2 classified employees
• The Principal
The members of the SSC are elected by their peers in a democratic process and in the case of teachers, classified employees and parents, the term is for two years. Membership selection for terms completed for certificated employees is in April, for classified employees in August and for parents in September. For unexpected vacancies, elections are held as needed with alternates or newly elected members filling the remainder of the unexpired term of office.
For parents, the call for nominations is made in late August and/or early September via the bulletin, Blackboard Connect, the website and at Back-to-School Night. Parents may nominate themselves or another parent. Openings for parent representatives of advisory committees (i.e. Boosters and ELAC) are elected at the regularly scheduled September advisory meeting. The two representative parents who serve “at large” are selected by electronic ballot which is published on the website, with in-person voting on site also available for designated time frame.
By law, the School Site Councils must meet regularly and all members are subject to the Brown Act. At SVHS, 9 meetings are held annually, generally on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 3:15-4:45 as per the SVHS bylaws. All meeting dates are scheduled prior to the start of the school year and are posted on the SVHS calendar on the high school website.
For questions regarding SSC, please contact the Administrative Secretary to the Principal at:
(707) 933-4030.