SVHS Olympus Team Team Olympus was named in honor of Mt. Olympus in Greece. The concept of Mount Olympus encompasses all the subject areas we teach; many of the foundational ideas came from Greek mythology or the philosophers of Ancient Greece, whether it is math, science, athletics or language. The Olympians were known to be keen observers of human nature as well as the natural world. We hope members of our Olympus Team will be as well rounded and open-minded as the Ancient Greeks who inspired our name. Reaching the peak will be a difficult journey, but once our students reach the summit, they will have a view of the entire world.
“Olympus was not shaken by winds nor ever wet with rain, nor did snow fall upon it, but the air is outspread clear and cloudless, and over it hovered a radiant whiteness.”
Olympus Newsletter
Olympus Newsletter #2 - English
2nd Newsletter 2018.2019 Olympus Newsletter English.pdf 6.21 MB (Last Modified on November 19, 2018) -
Olympus Newsletter #2 - Spanish
2nd Newsletter 2018.2019 Olympus Newsletter Spanish.pdf 6.16 MB (Last Modified on November 19, 2018) -
Olympus Newsletter - Beginning of the School Year (English)
Beginning of School Year 2018 Olympus Newsletter Eng.pdf 2.12 MB (Last Modified on November 19, 2018) -
Olympus Newsletter - Beginning of the School Year (Spanish)
Beginning of School Year 2018 Olympus Newsletter Span.pdf 2.13 MB (Last Modified on November 19, 2018)