As our school grows larger, we become increasingly aware of the need for sound policies which ensure the safety of our students. With this in mind, we have instituted procedures for visitor registration. All guests must report to the main office before visiting any part of the school. We will ask visitors to sign a guest register and also will provide them with a "Visitor Badge" which aids the staff in identifying registered visitors. We ask that the badge be returned to the office at the end of your visit.
District policy states that all students must be signed out in the main office whenever they are leaving the school by means other than the usual school provided transportation. This applies to children who ride home with parents at the end of the day as well as students who leave before dismissal. Teachers are not allowed to release children without either written permission from the office (in the form of a "Blue Slip") or direct verbal confirmation from the office that the child has been signed out.
Students who are to travel home with their parents or designated guardian will be sent to the cafeteria at dismissal with a supervising Staff Member. Parents/guardians are asked to wait for their child in the cafeteria. Teachers will be called by the office if a child is to go home with a parent/guardian. The child will be dismissed from their class line to the cafeteria where their parent/guardian is waiting.
This policy is in accord with the procedures of each school building throughout the district. It allows the school greater opportunity to safely supervise the dismissal of our students.
We also wish to remind our guests that regular dismissal begins at 1:35. Students will be delivered to the buses or parents/guardians between that time and 1:45 P.M., depending on class activities and grade level.