Prop K

In November 2010, San Marcos voters approved Prop K authorizing the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds, not to exceed $287,000,000.

The San Marcos Unified School District successfully completed all projects on time and on budget. All bond funds were fully expended in 2021.

View Completed Prop K Projects

SMUSD Scores High On Transparency in San Diego Taxpayer's Educational Foundation Report

The San Diego Taxpayer's Educational Foundation in its June 2020 Transparency Scorecard evaluated San Diego County school facilities bond programs and ranked SMUSD among the most transparent. SMUSD was given a A- transparency grade and issued no recommendations. 


Citizens' Oversight Committee

The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (COC) was established as required to actively review and report on the proper expenditure of Prop K taxpayer money for school construction. The COC is required to report on compliance with Article XIIIA, Section 1(b)(3) of the California Constitution including:

  • Bond funds and earned interest are expended for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of school facilities, or the acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities;

  • That no bond funds are used for any teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses;

  • To report on the review of the annual independent performance audit; and

  • To report on the review of the annual independent financial audit.

The Citizen's Oversight Committee was dissolved after final project and expenditures were complete and the final audit was reviewed.

We thank all Oversight Committee Members, past and present, for their service to our community.

  • Kelly Crews, Taxpayer Association
  • Kevin Karpe, Parent-Teacher Association
  • Gary Gidner, Senior Citizens' Organization Representative
  • Erin Veit, Active Business Person Representative, Chairperson
  • Bill Steinecke, Parent of Enrolled SMUSD Student Representative
  • Khary Knowles, Community At-Large Representative, Vice Chairperson
  • Michael Brock, Community At-Large Representative
  • Becky Sparks, Alternate