Family Resources

Family Resources. I can handle the pressure but I just want to give up.


The hardest part of addressing your child’s mental health is recognizing that something is wrong. So many kids would rather suffer in silence than ask for help, resulting in untreated mental health struggles. Precious time is wasted ignoring the effects of stressors or downplaying what is really going on.

Common struggles our students navigate include but are not limited to:

  • Academic and social pressure
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Family instability
  • Relationship issues
  • and more….

Repeat after me: “I am not a bad parent because my child needs help with their mental health.”

Mental health doesn’t have to be a taboo topic, and your family is not alone. Addressing challenges now will help your student in the future. Let’s Face it. Together.

Wellness Teams, comprised of school-based mental health providers and family liaisons, have been assembled throughout the District and are prepared to help students seek additional emotional or mental health support. These Wellness Teams will assess the needs of your student and refer your family to the best-suited resource. From counselors on their school campus or a referral to an outside healthcare provider, our Wellness Team will guide your whole family through the process.


  • It’s free: You won’t have to pay a thing. Let’s take the cost out of the equation so we can focus on your student.
  • It’s confidential: We're here to help your student so they can share what they’re going through when it feels like no one else will listen.
  • It’s personalized: No two stories are alike, because no two people are the same. We’ll meet your student where they are in their journey and tailor our approach to best suit their needs. It's normal to not feel normal, but your family does not have to do it alone.


  • Monitor changes: As their parent, you are the most in-tune with how your student operates and when something isn’t right. Monitor for changes in behavior and routine that are out of character. Example: Your child loses interest in a hobby they enjoy, or they seem lethargic and low on energy despite a healthy diet and sleep routine.
  • Start the conversation: Encouraging open conversation in your family familiarizes your student with the process of identifying and discussing their feelings. This can seem daunting because it requires vulnerability, but it encourages skill development that will benefit your entire family long-term.
  • Provide support: Sometimes all people really want is to know they’re supported. Letting your student know you are present, you hear them and are willing to support them, can do wonders for empowering them to pursue any help they may need.


  • TEXT: Have your student text SMUSD to 741741 to get immediate and confidential help. They will be guided by a wellness advocate who can provide guidance and facilitate a plan that suits their unique needs.
  • TALK: Prefer to talk it out? Your student can reach out to a counselor, or speak to a trusted adult on campus, who can provide guidance and facilitate a plan that suits their unique needs.
  • CALL: If this is a mental health emergency, don’t wait! Call 988 immediately.


Care SolaceIf your student or someone in your family needs support or connection to services, Care Solace is available to help you navigate a connection to resources. Find out more here.

Let's Face It. Together. is a mental health awareness campaign supported by the San Marcos Unified School District and the City of San Marcos. The campaign aims to help youth and teens get support from the district to address mental health issues.

San Diego County Office of EducationThe San Diego County Office of Education's Virtual Wellness Center includes activities and resources to support the well-being of staff, students, and parents by promoting health and wellness. Visit the Virtual Wellness Center to discover strategies and tools that work for you.