There is no student supervision before 8:15am, so students in Grades 1-6 should arrive at school between 8:15am and 8:30am. Students arriving at school before 8:15am must remain on the benches at the front of the school. Students arriving later than 8:30am must check in at the office to pick up a late attendance slip ("blue slip") to insure our attendance records are accurate.
Students in Grades 1-2 are dismissed at 2:40pm MTWF and 1:25pm Th; students in grades 3-6 are dismissed at 3:00pm MTWF and 1:45pm Th. Students in the younger grades who are not enrolled in after-school enrichment are not allowed to be on the playground or in classrooms between 2:30pm and 2:45pm, to avoid disruption of the older grades. Students waiting for older siblings must stay quietly on the benches at the front of the school and must be under adult supervision. There is no playground supervision after dismissal; the public may use the playground and fields after 3:15pm.
Regular school attendance is one of the most critical factors in a child's success in school. Please support the efforts of the Santa Rita staff to provide the best possible education by having your child attend school daily. Excused absences are noted for medical or dental appointments, sickness, and religious holidays only. Other absences are considered unexcused.
Please call the Attendance Line at 559-1640 before 9:00am when your child is going to be absent or late to school. A voice mail system is available 24 hours a day. Parents will be contacted for any child marked absent for the day and whose parents have not called. The office appreciates your efforts to inform us whenever your child will not be at school.
Punctual arrival at school is important to your child, the other children in the classroom and your child's teacher. The first few minutes of the day are an important time: directions are given, the daily schedule is discussed and daily lessons begun. Missing this time puts your child at a disadvantage. Late arrivals are unexcused unless your student had a medical or dental appointment. Excessive tardies may result in loss of school privileges or referral to the School Attendance Review Board.
If your child needs to be excused from class during the day, please inform the teacher by note and come to the office to pick up your child. A sign out system is used in the office and must be completed before a child will be released. No student will be released to anyone whose name is not on his or her emergency card unless the school is otherwise notified in writing by the parent. This procedure is to insure the protection and safety of your child.
Homework is any assigned activity, which is primarily accomplished outside of regular classroom time, has a definite relationship to the student's educational growth, is designed to reinforce classroom work, and is grade level appropriate. Homework shall not serve as a replacement for in-depth classroom lessons or teacher-directed instruction.
Especially as student progress through their academic lives, research shows that homework has a positive effect on achievement. Therefore, the amount of assigned homework will increase incrementally as children proceed one grade to the next. Regular completion of homework helps students meet the district's academic standards.
1) How much homework will my child be assigned?
Homework may be assigned Monday through Thursday. Time for the student to complete outside reading and both short and long term projects is included within the minute average for each grade level.
Grade Nightly Homework:
2) What is the role of parents?
Homework provides a link between home and school and helps parents see what their children are learning. Here are a few tips for making homework a successful activity at home:
3) What if my child is absent?
In case of absence, students and parents may request makeup homework on the second day of absence. Please call the office by 12:00 pm on the second day of absence. Requested homework may be picked up in the office between 3:15 and 4:00 pm. There is a ìHomework Pick-upî mailbox inside the office.
4) What if we are out of town?
Students who are involved in family travel during school days are asked to complete an Independent Study if the travel will keep them away from class for 5 days or more. Please pick up these forms in the office.
In response to the growing problem of childhood obesity, our state and federal governments have mandated the following:
We will continue to celebrate birthdays at school and acknowledge the very special day for students. However, if a family wishes to send birthday treats to school, the treat must either be healthy or non- edible. Please remember that treats are optional. We will recognize your child's birthday regardless of treats.
To ensure the safety of Santa Rita students and parent drivers, please follow these procedures for both during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up:
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